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Transform your phone into a real estate lockbox key with eKEY

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The eKEY app revolutionizes the way real estate professionals interact with property listings and lockboxes. Designed to complement the Supra Real Estate system, this innovative application allows you to transform your Android device into an efficient lockbox key, empowering you to manage your real estate business directly from your phone, anytime and anywhere.

Key features of eKEY Basic include the seamless ability to update wirelessly, receive critical alerts, retrieve listing keys, and meticulously track and manage your keyboxes. This functionality extends to programming the keyboxes and modifying shackle codes, enhancing your control over the listing process.

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For those seeking a more robust experience, the Professional level elevates capabilities with advanced functions such as access to MLS listings, enabling viewing, searching, and saving of pertinent property information. It simplifies the process of identifying relevant agents within your MLS and allows for the creation of customized client profiles. This ensures a tailored showing experience for each client based on their preferences. Additionally, map integration and detailed showing information offer a broader understanding of each listing's context.

To transition from the Basic to Professional tier, users are encouraged to contact their respective boards or associations. The required adapter, necessary for optimal functionality, is available from associations or selected online platforms.

Enhance your real estate activities with this platform – your key to efficiency, management, and prosperity in the dynamic world of property sales and services.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Supra®.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 8.0 or higher required

Information about eKEY

Package Name com.utc.fs.ekey
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Personal
Language English
45 more
Author Supra®
Downloads 5,953
Date Nov 2, 2022
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk Android + 8.0 Aug 26, 2022
apk Android + 8.0 Jun 9, 2022
apk Android + 5.0 Apr 9, 2022
apk Android + 5.0 Feb 3, 2024
apk Android + 5.0 Jan 28, 2022
apk Android + 5.0 Mar 28, 2021

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